How to Make a Cracked Cement Slab Look Almost Brand New

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This is a blog on how you yourself can make your cracked cement slab look almost brand new again.

Step 1:

Buy a bucket of patching cement. It comes in grey, so if you have a darker patio, find the right color. You will also need some water and sandpaper. If your patio has deep holes or cracks, you will need to buy some chunks of concrete.

Step 2:

You want to first clean all dirt and debris from the area that you are going to be patching up with the cement. Then you want to take your sandpaper to the surface of the concrete and make sure it’s not so smooth that the cement won’t stick.

Step 3:

Now start mixing up your cement (it comes with instructions). If you are filling larger cracks or holes, now is the time to put in some chunks of concrete and then cover them up with the cement mix.

Step 4:

You now want to fill in all cracks/holes/dents with your cement mix. Take a trowel and really push down on it so that it gets into all the nooks and crannies of the slab. Let dry over night (or according to directions).

Step 5:

Lastly, take some

I have a quick tip for you on how to make a cracked cement slab look almost brand new again.

It is an easy, one afternoon project that will cost you less than $10.00 and can be done by most anyone.

First you need to clear away any loose debris from the crack and then rinse it out with water. Let it dry.

Next, use a small trowel or putty knife to pack the crack with concrete patching compound so that it is slightly higher than the surface (image 1). Make sure to pack the compound in well, so there are no air pockets or voids. Allow it to dry completely.

Use a margin trowel or wide putty knife to even out the patching compound and blend it in with the surrounding concrete slab (image 2).

If there are any rough spots after it has dried, use a metal file or piece of sandpaper to smooth them out.

If you want, spread some color hardener over the entire concrete slab area (image 3). This is optional and will be determined by whether or not your slab was originally colored at all. If it was not colored, then do not worry about doing this step because you will end up with an unnatural looking slab if you

Cracked cement slabs on your patio can be an unsightly sight. You do not have to let the cracks ruin your patio. You can repair these cracks yourself and make your cement slab look almost brand new. This blog will show you how to repair a cracked cement slab.

You will need some tools for this project. You will need a wire brush, some concrete patch, a trowel, a paint roller and some paint brushes. You will also need a bucket of water and some rags or paper towels.

Begin by cleaning off the cement slab with the wire brush and the bucket of water. Make sure that all dirt and debris is removed from the cement slab before proceeding. Once you have done this, use a sandpaper to smooth down any rough edges on the crack in your cement slab.

Now take out your concrete patch and begin applying it over the crack in your cement slab with your trowel. Make sure that you apply a thick layer of concrete patch to ensure that it sticks well and prevents further cracking down the road.

Now let the concrete patch dry overnight before proceeding with painting over it with your chosen color of paint using either a paint roller or brush (or both). Let this dry overnight as well before using your new repaired

Cracked cement slabs are unsightly and can be hazardous. They can easily trip someone and cause serious injury. But don’t worry, you don’t have to replace your whole cracked cement slab. With a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can turn that old eyesore into an almost brand new-looking slab.

First, use a broom to sweep away all the dust, dirt, and debris from the cement slab. Then, pour some water onto the slab. This will help keep the concrete moist while you’re working on it.

Next, apply some grout to the cracks on your concrete slab. You can use a trowel or putty knife to do this. Make sure that you apply enough grout so that it fills in all of the cracks. If you’re unsure whether or not you’ve applied enough grout, wait until it dries before applying more grout to the cracks.

After applying grout to all of the cracks on your cement slab, let it dry for at least 24 hours before walking on it or moving any furniture back onto it.

With a little time and dedication, you can make your slab look almost new again.


– One bag of pre-mixed concrete

– Cement crack filler (the kind used for sidewalks)

– A mixing container

– A wire brush (or an electric drill with a wire brush attachment)


1. Remove all weeds, plants, and other growth from the slab.

2. Fill in any cracks with the cement crack filler. Make sure they are filled completely and smooth over before moving on to the next step. The crack filler is best when it is not smeared over too much area as it can become soft and break easily if stepped on.*

3. Use a wire brush to clean the entire slab. This will remove all dirt and debris, while also roughing up the surface of the cement so that it will bond better during the next step.*

4. Mix your pre-mixed concrete according to the directions on the package then pour onto slab. If you have not purchased pre-mixed concrete, mix your own using a one part Portland cement to three parts sand mix for exterior slabs or a one part Portland cement to two parts sand mix for interior slabs.*

5. Smooth out

Whether the slab is a driveway, patio or walkway, it’s not difficult to repair. The most important part of repairing a cement slab is cleanliness and using the right type of materials. A cracked cement slab can be cleaned, patched with a concrete patching compound and then sealed with an appropriate sealer to make the surface look brand new.

Repairing steps:

1. Clean the concrete slab thoroughly with a broom and dustpan. Use a garden hose to rinse off any remaining dust or dirt that may be on the surface. Allow the concrete to air-dry.

2. Mix enough patching compound in a 5-gallon bucket with water to form a workable consistency similar to peanut butter. Use a heavy-duty drill fitted with a mixing paddle to mix the contents in the bucket thoroughly until they resemble peanut butter. Allow this mixture to sit for at least 15 minutes before continuing.

3. Pour some of the mixed patching compound onto the crack using a trowel or putty knife and spread it out evenly along the crack width and depth so that it fills in all spaces completely. This will take several applications so that you can build up the thickness along the length of the crack over time so that it will be flush with the

Step 1: Repairing Potholes

Inspect the slab and repair any potholes. (Not sure how to do this? Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to fix a pothole.) You will want to make sure that you repair all of the larger potholes first using your cement mix. Be sure not to overdo it though, as too much cement mix can cause your slab to crack even more.

Step 2: Sealing Cracks with Cement Mix

Next, you are going to want to seal up any cracks that may be larger than one-quarter inch wide. If you do not have a drill, a chisel and hammer will work just fine. Once you have drilled or chiseled out the cracks, clean out any loose debris and fill in the cracks with some of your cement mix. After doing so, use a broom or trowel to smooth out the surface of the cement mix so that it is level with the rest of the slab.

Step 3: Applying an Epoxy Filler

Now that you have fixed all of the holes and cracks in your cement slab, it is time to apply an epoxy filler. This will help fill in any small gaps that could not

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