Use a programmable thermostat to lower your energy bill.
You could potentially save up to $180 per year by installing a programmable thermostat. Although the cost of the thermostat may be around $40, you will definitely see energy savings in your utility bills. The programmable thermostat will help you lower your heating costs by enabling you to set different temperatures for different times of the day and night, depending on when you’re home and when you’ll be sleeping or away from home.
Programmable thermostats also come with a variety of options: some models have an automatic setting that adjusts heating levels at certain times as needed, while others can be programmed with options like Auto-Changeover (whereby one temperature is maintained during the day and another at night).
Lower the temperature.
Lower the temperature. By setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit, you can save up to 10 percent on heating costs. You’ll save even more money if you lower the temperature by 10-15 degrees when you’re asleep or out of the house. See our tips on how to find your thermostat and how to set it properly.
Now that we have a better understanding of how thermal energy works, here are some other ways you can make sure heat stays where it belongs:
- Close all windows, doors and blinds before turning on your heating system.
- Cover windows at night with heavy drapes or blankets pinned back from window edges during the day.
Replace your furnace filter regularly.
A dirty filter makes the furnace work harder, which means that you’re using more energy. Replacing it with a new filter will help your furnace run more efficiently. Some furnaces have filters that are easy to change, while others may require professional assistance. Also, remember to check the air vents and registers throughout your home to make sure they’re not blocked by furniture or other objects. The vent covers should also be cleaned regularly so that air can flow freely throughout your house.
Insulate Your House
Replace your windows and doors.
You can also save energy this winter by replacing your doors and windows. Heating and cooling accounts for over 50% of the energy you use in your home, so it’s important to make sure you have efficient doors and windows. You can replace old single pane windows with new double pane ones that are more efficient, or have shutters or curtains installed to keep the hot air out and cool air in. If you need to replace a door, consider using steel instead of wood. Steel is much more durable than wood and is better at repelling heat from entering your home and cold from leaving it.
Seal air leaks.
To help you get started, here are a few common air leaks:
- Windows and doors. Older windows in particular can be a source of drafts and therefore higher energy bills. To seal these leaks, use silicone caulk around the edges of windowsills or door frames.
- Pipes and wires that enter your home. Look for any cracks or holes in your walls or ceiling where pipes or wires from outside come into your home. Seal any gaps with spray foam insulation or caulking; this will not only reduce drafts but also help keep out pests such as rodents or insects.
- Dryer vent. If your dryer vent is not sealed well, it could be causing warm air to escape to the outside—defeating the purpose of all that heat that is coming from your dryer! A leaky dryer vent can also lead to mold growth inside your walls if moisture builds up inside them because of condensation when heated air meets cold surfaces on the other side of a wall.
Clean heater vents.
Ventilate, carpet and clean
One of the most effective ways to improve your home’s air quality is to ensure that all your heater vents are not obstructed. If they are blocked by furniture or other items, they will not be able to do their job properly. Make sure that all vents are unobstructed and that there is no carpet on top of them (unless it’s a very low pile). Also, always keep them clean so that dust doesn’t affect airflow.
Use weather stripping around doors and windows.
Weather stripping around your doors and windows will help keep the cold air outdoors where it belongs. Weather stripping is an inexpensive solution that can prevent drafts from entering your home, saving you energy and money.
Installing weather stripping is a simple do-it-yourself project. It is best to install weather stripping on a calm day when the temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
When installing weather stripping, measure the gaps carefully and cut strips of weather stripping to fit them perfectly. Apply adhesive to one side of the weather strip and press it into place. Trim any excess with a utility knife or scissors when you are done.
Weather stripping usually wears out after about three years, so be sure to check yours every year to make sure it’s still effective at keeping air from leaking in or out of your home!
Change your ceiling fan direction.
Ceiling fans are useful in the winter months to push air up and circulate warm air around your home. The same concept applies for the summertime. In this article, we’re going to focus on the winter.
In order for a ceiling fan to properly propel air upward during the winter, your blades must spin clockwise. If you’re not sure which way your fan spins, flip the switch on its body or remote control; one way pushes air down while the other pushes it up (you’ll feel an immediate difference in both directions).
The reason you want warm air circulated throughout your home is simple: Your heater won’t have to work so hard when it’s constantly moving warm air around. This can reduce how long the unit is on and save energy and money!
Use insulated blinds, drapes, and curtains.
One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep the heat in is by using insulated windows. Insulated blinds, shades, drapes and curtains help reduce drafts and cold spots by adding an extra layer of insulation at your windows. They’re easy to install, look great, help save energy and money, and can even make you more comfortable. Bonus: By insulating your windows with draperies or shades, you’ll have more control over your heating and cooling bills—and be able to enjoy a better view from inside as well.
Here’s how it works: During the winter months when it is darker earlier in the day you can block out the sun’s natural heat by closing your blinds or drapes while you are home (particularly on south-facing windows) so that less heat escapes through these surfaces. Once the sun goes down close them again so that they provide a barrier between your home’s warm air and colder outdoor temperatures at night.
Close off rooms you’re not using.
When it comes to saving energy and money, a surprisingly effective way to improve your home’s efficiency is to close the doors and vents of rooms you’re not using. By doing so, you prevent that heated air from getting into rooms that don’t need it, allowing your heating system to work more efficiently. When choosing which rooms to seal off, focus on those that are far away from your thermostat. For example, if you have a finished basement or an upstairs bedroom with a separate sub-thermostat, closing off doors and vents in these areas can help keep warm air from traveling there when it’s not needed—allowing for more efficient heating elsewhere.
There are some exceptions though; for example, don’t close off any room with gas appliances since they require proper ventilation in order to operate safely. In addition, certain types of HVAC systems (like water source heat pumps) shouldn’t have their airflow restricted as doing so can negatively affect performance
Turn down your water heater temperature.
By turning down the temperature setting on your water heater, you can save energy and money. But keep in mind that there’s a tradeoff: You’ll have to adjust the hot-water faucet to get hotter water for some uses. Your water heater should be set no lower than 50°F to prevent legionella bacteria from growing in the tank (which won’t be an issue if you install an electric tankless water heater). Make sure your water heater is insulated with a special blanket that fits around it.
Wear layers while inside your home instead of turning up the heat.
- Wear layers while inside your home instead of turning up the heat. It is more energy efficient to wear extra clothes than to turn up the thermostat. You will save money by wearing extra clothes and turning down the thermostat. This is a key tip for saving energy and money this winter.
It’s important to save energy and money during the winter season
Winter is the time of year when most people use the highest percentage of their home’s energy. Energy bills are usually higher in winter months because you’re probably using more gas and electricity to heat your home.
You’ll get an added bonus by following some of these steps: You’ll also be doing something good for the environment. Reducing your energy consumption will help prevent pollution from being released into the air from burning fossil fuels to make energy.12 Tips to Save Energy and Money this Winter: A blog about saving energy throughout the winter season.
The heating bills are a sure sign that winter is here. You can’t just turn it up or down, you have to turn it off. But turn it off when? How do you know when it’s too cold? When does it get warm enough to unplug the heat?
We get the same questions all winter long, so we decided to write down some tips and tricks for you, our readers, so we can save energy this winter!
12 Tips to Save Energy and Money this Winter: A blog about saving energy throughout the winter season.
Winter may be a popular time to hibernate, but it’s also the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, winter can be a difficult season for many people because of the cold weather, ice and snow, and the fact that most people are forced indoors. Here are 12 tips to help you save energy and money during the winter season.
We’re all busy this time of year, and sometimes, we find ourselves overwhelmed with the task of keeping our homes warm, fed, and clean. Instead of putting a ton of effort into doing everything yourself, it’s time to take advantage of some helpful household tips from professionals in the industry. Here are 12 energy-saving tips that will help you save on energy bills this winter:
This little blog is about saving energy and money throughout the winter season.
1. Keep your windows closed, even if you live in a warm area in the winter.
2. Don’t leave your heat on when you are not home, turn it down and let it adjust by itself.
3. Turn off your TV when nobody’s home, or leave it on to a channel where nobody watches it.
4. Do laundry during off-peak hours, like at night or in the morning when your family is awake rather than when they are asleep.
5. Use the cold water tap when washing clothing, dishes or pans instead of letting the hot water run while waiting for the cold water to turn hot again.
6. Empty all trashcans regularly and don’t let them get full and overflow onto the ground outside
7. Install rain sensors so that you can manually turn off your sprinklers whenever you leave the house
8. Keep you car keys in a plastic baggy because they make more noise than normal keys and are harder to find when searching for them in a bag of car keys that has been thrown into a backpack or coat pocket for ease of access (just like a spare car key)
It’s that time of year where we all prepare for the cold weather, and it can be hard to save money on heating. So we decided to share some tips and tricks that will help you save energy and money this winter!
There are a few ways you can save energy in your home during the winter:
Turn down your thermostat. The average thermostat setting is 68 degrees. That’s 15 degrees higher than what studies have shown as the optimal temperature for human comfort. So turn down the heat by about 15 degrees, or use a programmable thermostat if you have one, and you’ll save money.
Close blinds and curtains early in the morning or at night when it gets cooler so there isn’t direct sunlight into your home and you’re using less electricity.
If you’re using an electric fireplace, fireplace stoves, or heaters, don’t leave them on overnight unless they’re being used. They will use more electricity than they’re worth over time.
Keep your home as neat as possible. Clutter increases heat loss by 70 percent! Think about placing your bed away from windows so that if it’s cold outside you can still feel a breeze coming through your window or door. Move bulky items like couches closer to
We are living in an era of fast food, air conditioning, and cheap power. But let’s face it: A lot of us don’t want to be trapped in our homes all winter. So we’ve gathered up a list of tips for how to save energy and money throughout the winter months.
Don’t leave your house. It’s true that air conditioning is a great way to cool down, but this can also make you uncomfortable. A nice breeze from the heater and some fresh air can do wonders for your mood and overall comfort levels.
If your home does not have AC (and many do not), purchase a heater with a thermostat so you can control the temperature without constantly turning it on and off or adjusting the temperature by hitting buttons on your remote control.
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. We all know that getting enough sleep is key to feeling refreshed and being well-rested, but being tired can also mean you’re burning energy instead of sleeping. When you’re tired, your body uses more calories than when you are awake, because when you’re asleep, your body goes into hibernation mode—not doing much of anything except breathing. You could be burning energy without even realizing it!
And if you’re worried about losing weight
1. Set your thermostat to 60 degrees
2. Avoid running your air conditioner during the day
3. Plan ahead and purchase a programmable thermostat from a vendor that provides service
4. Insulate your home
5. Make sure your home’s exterior is well-insulated so that heat can’t escape into the cold winter air, posing a fire hazard for early spring
6. Install a programmable timer on your furnace that turns it off in the middle of the night, allowing it to cool down before turning back on at daybreak
7. Install a programmable timer on your water heater that shuts down when you aren’t using it, which reduces energy use during peak summer months
8. Use ceiling fans in rooms where people are spending time, so they circulate warm air throughout the room and keep you warm
9. Install programmable thermostats on all heating vents and turn them up 2-3 degrees higher than you would normally turn them up
10. Turn off the lights when you leave a room or if you don’t plan on being in there for a while (otherwise they will run on their own to maintain an even temperature)