How to Quick Cement a Broken Window

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Make sure the window is on a flat surface.

  • Make sure the window is on a flat surface. If you’ve had to smash your way in, the window is probably lying horizontal and in one piece somewhere near where it was installed. You’ll need to pick it up and put it on a flat surface for this repair, such as a workbench or other sturdy table. Before you move the window, however, make sure that area is safe and well lit–broken glass can be dangerous!

If needed, use a sandpaper block to smooth out any jagged edges on the window frame.

Do you have an awning or window that is not perfectly square? A quick cement repair will help make it look factory fresh again.

You can do this at home by using a sandpaper block to smooth out the sharp edges where the cement was applied.

Place wood blocks close to the window frame.

The blocks should be placed close to the window frame. I used some scrap wood that was lying around. They should be placed on both the inside and the outside of the window, and on all four sides. You may want extras for corners, depending on how the frame is cracked.

Use the masking tape to tape off the area you want to repair and prevent quick cement from covering the outside of the frame.

Begin by using masking tape to tape off the area you want to repair and prevent quick cement from covering the outside of the frame.

You’ll need to use a long strip of tape to cover where you want to apply the quick cement and then angle that strip of tape outward at a 45-degree angle or so. If you have extra room, add another piece of tape on top of that strip. This will help prevent the quick cement from spreading too far out.

Mix your quick cement according to package directions.

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The first step to fixing any window is figuring out what kind of product you’re dealing with. Once you’ve identified the brand, follow their directions for preparing the cement.
  • Mix the powder and water according to package directions. Make sure you mix well so that there are no lumps in your cement—you want it to be as smooth and even as possible for a tight seal!
  • Let it set for the recommended time before applying it to your window.

Apply quick cement generously.

Apply quick cement generously.

The whole purpose of using quick cement is to prevent moisture from getting inside your window pane and causing it to expand, so make sure you cover the entire area with it. Apply it generously, but don’t overdo it. The idea here is to get a smooth coating that fills any cracks or gaps in the glass and seals out moisture.

Use a putty knife or spatula to spread the quick cement evenly over the surface of the broken glass; you want it flush with the bottom of the frame and surrounding woodwork on both sides.

Get some glazing compound and apply it over the broken glass area with a putty knife.

A quick fix for a broken window is to use glazing compound. Glazing compound is a type of spackle that adheres to glass, making it easy to repair a broken window and keep the glass from falling out.

To apply the glazing compound, use a putty knife and cover the broken glass area with the product. For uneven areas or sharp points, pack the compound around them. Use your fingers or another tool to smooth over any bubbles or ridges. If you get glazing compound on any part of your window frame that isn’t wood, use paint thinner (or nail polish remover for non-polar solvents) to remove it immediately. If you have excess glazing compound on other parts of the window frame after removing it from non-wood surfaces, you can wipe it off using soap and water. Glazing compound sets in about 24 hours at room temperature and can take up to 5 days in colder temperatures.

Remove excess glazing compound with razor blade or scraper.

  • Use a razor blade or scraper to carefully remove any excess glazing compound that may have been squeezed out of the window frame. You want to make sure not to damage the surrounding wood, but you also don’t want any glazing compound to be exposed on the inside of the home. Be careful with this step and try not to let your glazing compound dry too much before removing it.
  • Remove masking tape from glass and clean up any excess glazing compound around the window frame.

Wait for about 24 hours before opening window again, as glazing compound will need time to set up.

After you’ve placed the glazing compound in the window, you should wait at least 24 hours before opening the window again—or follow the instructions on your package of glazing compound for specific recommendations. Make sure to keep the window closed during this period as opening it may affect how well the compound sets up. If children or pets are around, be sure to cover the window with a heavy piece of plastic wrap so that it won’t accidentally be opened.

Quick cement is a great way to fix a broken window in an emergency.

Quick cement is a great way to fix broken windows in an emergency.

When glass breaks, it leaves splintery, sharp edges that can cut you. Quick cement is strong enough to hold a window together. It is not as strong as regular cement. If you can do a better job using regular cement or another method, then do that instead. You should never use quick cement on new construction projects because it won’t be able to withstand the weight of your window.

Here’s how to use quick cement:

  • Buy a tube of quick-setting window repair glue at your local hardware store. The directions are usually printed on the tube itself, but we’ll cover those steps here anyway just in case yours don’t have them!
  • Carefully remove any shards from the edges of your broken pane with pliers or tweezers before applying any glue
  • Apply liberal amounts (about 1/4 inch thick) across both sides as well as around each edge; make sure that no gaps remain between where one panel meets another so this does not happen again would be best practice for future reference

How to Quick Cement a Broken Window, Step-by-step

When your window breaks, you know how annoying it is to get it fixed. You’ve probably got something better to do than sit around all day waiting for a repairman. But what if we told you that all that was standing between you and an intact window was a quick cement job?

Well, we’re here to tell you that’s exactly the case! With our step-by-step guide, you can fix your broken window in just a few minutes with no special tools or skills required.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1) A bucket of cement (you can buy this at any hardware store)

2) A trowel (again, available at any hardware store)

3) Some gloves (really just for hygienic purposes)

4) Your broken window

The holiday season is one of the most magical times of the year. But when you’re at home with family, it can also be one of the most stressful! We’ve all been there: a fight breaks out, someone throws something, and the next thing you know, the window’s broken. How do you fix it? A hammer and nails? Scotch tape? No! You need to quick cement that window, and we’re here to show you how!

First, gather up your supplies. Hopefully you’ll have most of these things on hand!


Hey there, friend! Sorry to hear about your broken window. I know it can be devastating, especially if you’re a homeowner, but luckily, when you have the right tools and know-how, fixing that bad boy up is easy-peasy!

Step 1: Assess your situation. You’re going to need two things for this job: a superior brand of quick cement (we recommend [product name]) and a good understanding of how to apply it. If you don’t have either of these things on hand, go get them now before you go any further!

Step 2: Now that you’ve got everything you need to rock this project like a pro, take a look at your window. What’s the extent of the damage? Has it just cracked? Or is the whole window broken into pieces? If it’s just cracked, it’s pretty simple—you just have to apply the quick cement in one smooth line across the crack and then let it dry. But if your window has smashed into tiny little pieces, you’ll have to work with each piece individually.

Step 3: If your window has smashed into pieces, start by removing all those pieces from their panes—carefully so as not to cut yourself—and putting them

So your window’s broken, and you don’t have the time to call a professional?

Don’t worry, I got you.

Step 1: Gather your materials. You’ll need one tube of quick cement, a piece of cardboard, and a rag (if you have one).

Step 2: Place the cardboard over the broken window.

Step 3: Squeeze the quick cement onto the cardboard. Make sure it overlaps onto all of the broken glass.

Step 4: Wait five minutes. Then use your rag (if you have one) to wipe off any excess quick cement that got outside of the crack.

Broken windows are never fun. But don’t worry—we’ve got your back! Fixing windows is easy, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Here’s what you’ll need:

– Quick cement

– A window that’s broken

– Your hands (make sure they’re clean!)

Step 1: Take the lid off of the quick cement.

Step 2: Apply a thin layer of quick cement over the broken area of the window. We recommend using your fingers to apply it, but if you have a small brush, you can use that too. Just make sure that whatever tool you use is clean! You don’t want to introduce any bacteria or dirt into the window, since it’s already compromised by being broken. If you have gloves, we recommend wearing them during this step.

Step 3: Put the lid back on your quick cement and wait for the fix to set. It should only take a few minutes, but read the label to find out how long it needs to dry before removing the materials from your work area.

1. Step one: Find your broken window.

2. Step two: Get your quick cement.

3. Step three: Cement your window.

4. Step four: Enjoy a cemented window!

Megan, a regular contributor to the [blog name] blog, recently got her window broken by a baseball. Luckily, she had some quick setting cement on hand and was able to fix the problem in just a few minutes! Here’s how she did it:

1. First, make sure your windows are clean. You can use any glass cleaner for this step.

2. Next, get out your quick setting cement and open it using the instructions on the lid.

3. Now you’re ready to spread your cement over the broken window! When you’re done with this step, make sure to wash off any excess cement with water. If you let it dry completely before washing it off, it may be harder to remove later on down the line.

4. Once that’s done and dried (you can speed up this process with a blow dryer), cover up any exposed areas of glass with paint or other materials if desired. You’re all set!

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