How To Make a Planter Box

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A planter box is a great way to add some color to your patio, or brighten up a spot in the yard. While most planters are bought from the store, it is possible to make your own at home.

The first step in making a planter is to select a pattern or design style. Planters can be as simple as plain boxes, or they can have decorative trim and other features.

Once you’ve decided on a design, use graph paper to draw out your planter box. You’ll need four side pieces, two end pieces and one bottom piece. If you decide to include legs on your box, also cut out four leg pieces. Mark each piece with labels indicating which direction they face and whether or not they will be visible when the planter box is finished.

Use the jigsaw to cut out each piece according to your pattern, keeping in mind that all pieces should be rectangular when finished. If you’re including legs on your design, cut them at an angle so that when placed together the legs form a 90 degree angle with the base of the box.

Assemble all of the pieces with wood glue and finish nails for extra strength. Once all of the pieces are assembled and dry, paint your planter box

So you’re a homeowner, and you want to do something new and exciting with your yard. Maybe you’ve always wanted to grow your own vegetables, but you don’t have the space to do so in the garden.

A planter box solves this problem by providing a place to grow plants without taking up the valuable space that a traditional garden would use up. Luckily, these boxes are easy to make, requiring only basic carpentry skills and a couple of hours of time. If you have some scrap wood lying around, then this project will cost next to nothing!

Begin by deciding on the size of your planter box. The most common sizes are either 2 feet by 4 feet or 4 feet by 4 feet. The smaller size is perfect for growing herbs for cooking, while the larger size is great for flowers or vegetables. You can also decide how tall you want your box to be; this depends on how deep in the ground you’d like your plants’ roots to go. 4 inches is a good depth for most plants; don’t go deeper or you’ll risk rotting out the bottom of the box.

Cut all pieces to size according to the dimensions above. Since these boxes will be sitting on top of the ground, it’s important that they are level and

A planter box is a great way to add some color to your porch or yard. You can build the planter yourself and customize it with a variety of colors and sizes. While you may be able to find a pre-made planter, why not make one yourself?

You will need some wood, screws, paint, a drill, a saw and some soil. Optional items include more hardware for hanging the box on the wall or attaching feet to the box. Begin by cutting all of your wood pieces to the desired length using a saw. Next, assemble the pieces together using screws and a drill. Once you have finished this step, you can attach any additional hardware you want on the planter. Finally, paint your new planter box with your choice of colors.

The first step is to measure out the size of your planter box. I made mine about 16 inches tall, with a 1 foot square footprint. Mark out the area for the sides and cut them out of your 1×8.

Drill holes in the bottom of the sides so water can drain from your planter box. I drilled holes roughly every 2 inches around the bottom, but it’s up to you as to how many and where you want to place them.

Cut some pieces of wood to fit along the bottom inside of each side piece.

Place one side on top of the bottom pieces and nail into place. Repeat for other three sides.

For extra strength, you can connect opposite sides together with a few screws through the side pieces and into each other.

Cut two more pieces that will fit inside on the ends. Secure these in place with nails or screws (or both). You now have a box!

Measure and cut pieces that will fit across each end inside your box. Secure into place with nails or screws (or both).

What you need

* 1 drill/driver

* 1 planter box and 2 edging boards (2x8s)

* 2 decking screws

* 4 galvanized corner braces

* 4 L-brackets

* 2 wood screws (1-1/2 in.)

* 1 tube silicone caulk

Step 1: Cut the Boards to Length & Assemble the Planter Box.**

Step 2: Attach Edging to Planter Box.**

Step 3: Attach Galvanized Corner Braces.**

Step 1: Choose Your Planter Box Design. We built two rectangular planter boxes out of redwood. They were intended for use as raised vegetable boxes, but you could also use them as flower boxes or for whatever else you can imagine. We left them unfinished and untreated so the wood will weather to a natural grey (and thus require no maintenance).

Here are the dimensions we used:

2′ x 4′ x 1′

2′ x 6′ x 1′

Of course, you could use different dimensions, but remember that the larger the planter box is, the more soil it will need and the heavier it will be. If you plan to move your planter box around often, make sure to build it in manageable dimensions. You can easily adjust our measurements to accommodate a different size or design.

Cementi is a planter box made out of concrete. The goal here is to create a self-watering planter that can be set up in minutes and left alone for months.

The design is based on the idea of an upside down wick watering system. Water is stored in a reservoir at the bottom of the planter which slowly rises up through a thick felt “wick” to feed the plants above. The result is a very low maintenance system that can be used to grow just about anything.

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