Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m proud to announce that my new video game, Can You See What I See? is now available. I’m releasing this game as a free download, because I want everyone who wants to play it to be able to do so.
Can You See What I See? is a two player game in which one player (the Seer) tries to help the other player (the Guesser) discover where an object is hidden in a grid of squares by telling them which rows and columns contain the object. The Seer gives clues like “The object is between the fourth and fifth columns” or “The object is in the first row.” The Guesser guesses where the object is by entering its column and row number.
This game was inspired by the experience of being blind, and can be played using speech or braille output. But sighted people seem to enjoy playing it with speech too.
Most people are familiar with the term “optical illusion”, but what about the notion of an auditory illusion?
Auditory illusions demonstrate remarkable properties of the human auditory perception system. They are often used in psychological research, as well as a source of entertainment and/or confusion.
An auditory illusion is an illusion of hearing, the aural equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or hears no sound when it is present. In short, audio illusions highlight areas where the human ear and brain, as organic, makeshift tools, differ from perfect audio receptors. Most of us have experienced some form of auditory illusion at one time or another. These include:
The telephone effect, where speech is difficult to understand – this is why mobile ‘phone conversations can be such a trial!
The ventriloquist effect, where we localise sounds incorrectly – this is how a ventriloquist can throw their voice so that it appears to come from another direction.
There are numerous types of optical illusions including:
Contour-enhanced illusions (e.g. Fraser’s Spiral) where contour interactions lead to illusions that cannot be seen using isolated lines or shapes.
Simultaneous contrast illusions (e.
The title of this article is a lie. Well, it’s only a lie if you’re reading it on your computer or phone screen. If you’ve printed it out and are looking at the paper version, the title is true.
The title of the article is the same color as the background. It’s always been that color; we just made it invisible by using a color called “white” to make the background.
If you have any experience with HTML, you’ll know that “white” isn’t really white. It’s
It’s not that I think all companies need to be like media companies. For most businesses the issue of creating great content is a minor one. But I do think that as the web gets more competitive, a lot of businesses are going to have to think harder about whether they’re doing anything someone would actually want to pass along.
For instance: I recently booked a last-minute flight from San Francisco to New York, and after a few too many drinks in Union Square I stumbled over to the nearest Chase ATM to get some cash. When I inserted my card, something unexpected happened: the screen didn’t just show me how much money was in my account; it showed me my bank balance, updated daily over the previous week, plotted on a graph.
That was cool! I’d never seen that before. And since it was right there in front of me, I couldn’t resist looking at how my balance had varied over the previous week. It turned out my balance had been dropping pretty steadily–which wasn’t good–but there were two sudden jumps that made everything ok again: one on Friday, when I got paid, and another on Monday, when Chase automatically withdrew my rent check from my landlord’s account and deposited it in mine.
So what? Why
Shera Plank
Shera’s Career
As I am now coming to the end of my education journey, I am starting to think about my future career. There are so many different careers in the world and it’s not always easy to know which one is right for you. In this video, I’m going to tell you why I’ve chosen to become a designer and help you figure out which career might be right for you.
There are lots of different types of design jobs. There are architects who design buildings, interior designers that design the inside of buildings and fashion designers that design clothes. Designers also work in two and three-dimensional forms. Architects and some other designers work with three-dimensional shapes like the buildings they create or the furniture they design. Fashion, graphic and web designers work with two-dimensional shapes like clothes or images on paper or on a screen.
When choosing a career, it’s important to consider what skills you already have, what skills you’d like to develop and what your interests are because these things are going to influence your decision. For example, if you’re interested in tech but aren’t sure which type of tech job would be right for you then it might help to think about whether you prefer working with hardware or software because